The Creative Journey Midjourney Prompt Ideas for Stunning AI Art-Featured Image

The Creative Journey: Midjourney Prompt Ideas for Stunning AI Art

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By Abu Bakar

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we create and appreciate art. With the help of AI, artists, and enthusiasts can explore new possibilities of expression, imagination, and creativity. 

In this blog, we will share some tips and ideas for writing Midjourney prompts that can produce stunning AI art.

What is Midjourney

One of the most popular and powerful AI tools for generating art is Midjourney, a cutting-edge program that creates images from natural language text prompts.

Midjourney uses a diffusion model to generate images from text prompts. Diffusion means that the AI creates a cloud of pixels and gradually removes them while shaping an image according to the prompt and its databank.

The quality of the prompts, including text and parameters, will make the difference between mediocre and mesmerizing images.

What is a Prompt

A prompt is a command phrase that Midjourney interprets to create an image. Prompts can be simple descriptive phrases or contain parameters and other pictures for comparison and styling.

A prompt comprises up to four elements: the command < /imagine >, image URLs, a text prompt, and parameters.

How to Write Effective Midjourney Prompts

Writing Midjourney prompts is both an art and a science. It requires creativity, clarity, and experimentation. Here are some general guidelines for writing effective Midjourney prompts:

Start with the command < /imagine > followed by a text prompt in brackets.

Use simple, short sentences that describe what you want to see. Avoid long lists of requests or complex grammar.

Be specific about the subject, style, mood, color, perspective, and other details that matter to you. Use synonyms, adjectives, adverbs, metaphors, and similes to enrich your description.

Use commas, brackets, and hyphens to help organize your thoughts, but know that Midjourney will not reliably interpret them.

Use image URLs to influence the style and content of the final result. Image URLs always go at the front of a prompt. You can use multiple image URLs separated by commas.

Use parameters to change how an image is generated. Parameters can change aspect ratios, models, upscale, and lots more. Parameters go at the end of the prompt preceded by a hyphen.

Experiment with different prompts and parameters until you get the desired result. You can use the <–vary> parameter to generate different images from the same prompt.

How to Create Good Midjourney Art

To generate amazing AI Art using Midjourney you will have to keep in mind some steps. Users can easily generate AI Art by following these steps. These steps are given below:

Step 1: Sign Up for Midjourney

To use MidJourney, you need to sign up for an account using your Discord ID. Discord is a popular chat app that lets you communicate with other users and join communities. If you don’t have a Discord account, you can create one for free.

To sign up for Midjourney, go to their website and click on the “Join the Beta” button. You will be redirected to a page where you can sign in with Discord and authorize Midjourney to access your basic information. 

After that, you will be able to access the Midjourney dashboard, where you can start creating art.

Step 2: Use Your Imagination 

You should gather the required information inside your mind. Use your imagination to create the picture of the art you want to generate in your mind.

You should have a clear idea in your mind. Imagine all the features related to the art even the simple details.

Step 3: Detailed Prompts

Give a detailed prompt to the art generator. A prompt is a short description of the image you want to create.

For example, you can write “a tranquil forest with a winding river and a small wooden bridge” or “a child flying a colorful kite on a sunny beach”. 

You can also add some modifiers to your prompt, such as “style: impressionist” or “color: sepia”

Step 4: Use of Reference Image

Another step is the use of a reference image. A reference image is an image that a user can upload on an AI Art generation tool that will help the device better understand the vision of art. Midjourney will create results according to the prompt and reference image.

Step 5: Generate 

Send the prompt to the bot. You need to use the /imagine command and type in your prompt to do this.

For example, you can write “/imagine a busy city street at night with bright neon signs and people walking by”. The bot will then return a set of four images based on your prompt.

Step 6: Choose the Image

Choose an image to upscale. If you like one of the images, you can ask the bot to upscale it to a higher resolution.

To do this, you need to use the /upscale command and type in the number of the image you want to upscale.

For example, you can write “/upscale 2” to upscale the second image. The bot will then return an upscaled version of the image

Step 7: Save the Image

Save or share your image. You can save your image to your device or share it with others on Discord or other platforms. Y

You can also give feedback to the bot by using the feedback command and typing in your comments or suggestions.

Steps to Create Good Midjourney Art

Midjourney Prompt Ideas for Stunning AI Art

Now that you know how to use generative models for AI art, you may wonder what kind of text prompts you can use to create stunning AI art.

Here are some mid-journey prompt ideas that can help you spark your creativity and generate amazing AI art.

Mix and Match Different Styles

One way to create stunning AI art is to mix and match different styles from artists, genres, or periods.

For example, you can combine impressionism and cubism, Renaissance and pop art, or abstract and realistic. 

This can create interesting contrasts and harmonies between different elements in your image. Some examples of text prompts for mixing and matching different styles are:

A still life of fruits and flowers in the style of Van Gogh and Mondrian

A landscape of mountains and lakes in the style of Monet and Escher

A portrait of a woman in the style of Da Vinci and Warhol

The cityscape of New York in the style of Kandinsky and Hopper

A sculpture of a horse in the style of Rodin and Calder

Combine Different Domains

Another way to create stunning AI art is to combine different domains from different fields, such as animals, plants, objects, landscapes, art, architecture, etc.

For example, you can combine a cat and a cactus, a guitar and a flower, or a castle and a cloud.  

This can create surprising and imaginative images that challenge your perception and expectations. Some examples of text prompts for combining different domains are:

A photo of a cat with spikes like a cactus

A painting of a guitar with petals like a flower

A drawing of a castle floating on a cloud

A collage of a fish with wings like a bird

A logo for a company called CactiCat

Add Surreal or Fantastical Elements

A third way to create stunning AI art is to add surreal or fantastical elements to your image, such as dreamlike scenarios, mythical creatures, magical effects, etc.

For example, you can add a unicorn to your garden, a rainbow to your sky, or a portal to another dimension. 

This can create whimsical and enchanting images that transport you to another world. Some examples of text prompts for adding surreal or fantastical elements are:

A photo of my garden with a unicorn grazing on the grass

A painting of the sky with a rainbow and stars

A drawing of my bedroom with a portal to another dimension

A collage of my face with butterfly wings

A logo for a company called RainbowStar

Use Metaphors or Analogies

A fourth way to create stunning AI art is to use metaphors or analogies to describe your images, such as comparing one thing to another based on similarity or contrast.

For example, you can compare your mood to a color, your personality to an animal, or your life to a journey. 

This can create expressive and meaningful images that convey your emotions and thoughts. Some examples of text prompts for using metaphors or analogies are:

A photo of my mood today as a color

A painting of my personality as an animal

A drawing of my life as a journey

A collage of my dreams as symbols

A logo for a company called MoodColor

Use Humor or Irony

A fifth way to create stunning AI art is to use humor or irony to describe your image, such as making jokes, puns, sarcasm, paradoxes, etc.

For example, you can make fun of yourself, others, situations, or clichés. 

This can create amusing and witty images that make you laugh and think. Some examples of text prompts for using humor or irony are:

A photo of me smiling with the caption “I love Mondays”

A painting of a dog wearing a suit and tie

A drawing of a fish out of water

A collage of famous movie posters with swapped titles

A logo for a company called Irony Inc.

Midjourney Prompt Ideas

Techniques to Create Eye-Catching Midjourney Art

Techniques to create eye-catching Midjourney artworks in various styles and genres.

Using Midjourney for Concept Art

Midjourney is a powerful tool for generating concept art for projects like films, video games, books, and more.

Some tips for creating concept art:

Set the mood and atmosphere clearly in the prompt

Make prompts highly cinematic and dramatic

Include fictional proper names like “The Kingdom of Larion” to give the art direction

Specify fictional characters, creatures, architectures, and technologies

Iteratively refine generations based on feedback

Generating Character Art

You can invent original characters by describing attributes like clothing style, facial features, and species. For example:

Post-apocalyptic survivor wearing gas mask and cloak

Wise female druid casting a nature spell, intricate staff

Android with half its face ripped off revealing circuitry

Mighty orc warrior wearing skull armor, fantasy setting

Experiment by composing characters piece by piece. Generate separate elements like face, pose, and clothing, before combining them into a final character portrait.

Worldbuilding Prompts

Midjourney assists in worldbuilding for games, films, and books. Prompt examples:

Orthographic map of a fictional island kingdom

Blueprint schematics of a spaceship engine

Interior of a futuristic robotics laboratory

Costume designs for a space pirate crew

Symbols and artifacts from an ancient civilization

Logo Animation Prompts

Animate your logo with prompts like:

3D render of a wave logo forming from liquid metal, CGI animation

Geometric logo assemble itself via code, digital animation

Light trails form the letters of a logo, cinematic intro

Logo disintegrating into particles, VFX shot, 4K

Long Form Prompt Stories

You can tell a story over multiple generations by chaining prompts together. For example:

An astronaut is repairing a satellite in orbit around Earth.

Suddenly an asteroid storm approaches threatening the astronaut.

The astronaut quickly tries to take cover from the asteroids.

After the storm passes, we see the astronaut’s damaged shuttle drifting through space.

This technique works for comics, storyboarding, and animatics. Maintain narrative consistency between prompts. Re-state relevant details in each prompt to aid Midjourney’s context.

Stylizing and Rendering Images

You can apply artistic filters to existing images with prompts like:

The Mona Lisa in Impressionist style

Photograph rendered as an oil painting

Portrait rendered as a bronze sculpture

The landscape depicted as a psychedelic illustration

This opens creative options to re-interpret photos and artworks into new styles.

Battle Prompts

Pit fictional characters against each other:

Godzilla versus King Kong underwater, epic fight

Iron Man versus Batman dramatic showdown, detailed

Spiderman versus Venom final standoff, comic book style

Vary locations, camera angles, and styles for dynamic battle scenes.

Combining Concepts and Ideas

Some of the most original images come from blending disparate concepts, for example:

Buddha holding a lightsaber in meditation

Astronauts exploring ancient Egyptian ruins on Mars

Shakespeare’s robots performing Hamlet on stage

Santa Claus in a Star Wars cantina scene

Look for interesting fusions across pop culture, history, and imagination.

Setting Details and Themes

Enhance your prompts with environmental details and color themes, for example:

Overgrown temple ruins, dense jungle foliage

Deserted dystopian city, eternal rainfall

Vast library, gothic architecture, ray-traced lighting

Medieval blacksmith workplace, rich warm tones

These extra details add mood, cohesion, and realism.

Directing With Cinematic Camera Angles

Use cinematic camera directions like:

Low-angle view looking up at a towering futuristic skyscraper

Tracking shot following a train speeding through a city

Slow pan revealing a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland

Close-up shot of an ancient artifact, detailed textures

Overhead establishing shot of two armies marching to battle

Expanding Prompts Over Generations

Start with an initial broad prompt, then expand details over subsequent generations:

Cyberpunk street scene

Nighttime cyberpunk street scene in Tokyo, rainy, neon signs

Dystopian cyberpunk Tokyo alley crowded with people under umbrellas

Close-up of a mysterious hooded figure standing in a cyberpunk Tokyo alleyway

This allows you to incrementally add elements like lighting, setting, characters, etc.

Remixing and Evolving Images

Take an existing Midjourney image and evolve or remix it:

The astronaut is now holding a lightsaber

Zoom in on the astronaut’s helmet visor, reflecting a nebula

Convert image to abstract geometric style

Add glitch effects and distorted VHS textures

Twist and build upon images in unexpected ways.

Prompt Chaining for Animation

Construct animated sequences by chaining prompts:

An astronaut floating peacefully through space.

Suddenly an asteroid approaches menacingly.

The astronaut quickly activates his jetpack to avoid a collision.

The astronaut watches the asteroid pass by closely.

Describe the chronological actions and progress of the story over generations.

Creating Pattern Brushes

Generate repeating brushes for digital art:

Seamless pattern with intricate Celtic knots

Aztec fresco wall pattern, stone texture

Art Deco pattern with geometric shapes

Elegant Victorian wallpaper pattern with flowers and vines

Prompt Best Practices

Here are some general prompt writing best practices:

Avoid excessive detail, let Midjourney interpret creatively

Use clear simple language

Establish a consistent voice and tone

Limit prompts to 1-3 sentences

Don’t include out-of-context words or phrases

Steer away from toxic, unethical, and illegal themes

Refine and edit prompts for clarity and consistency

Evaluating Results

When reviewing Midjourney outputs, look for:

Visual clarity – Is the subject obvious and well-defined?

Lighting quality – Is it well-lit and atmospheric?

Detail level – Is there richness and depth?

Style adherence – Does it match the desired tone and medium?

Originality – Does it feel imaginative and unique?

Techniques to Create Eye-Catching Midjourney Art

Using Midjourney Responsibly

As with any powerful technology, care should be taken in how Midjourney is utilized. Some ethical guidelines:

Avoid generating harmful, dangerous, or illegal content

Respect copyrights and credited image sources where applicable

Consider seeking permission before depicting real individuals

Provide appropriate context for sensitive topics

Be cautious about spreading misinformation or deception

Consider the social implications of AI art automation

Using Midjourney Responsibly

Generate art to inspire, awaken the imagination, and promote human creativity.


Midjourney opens amazing avenues for imagination and art creation. With well-crafted prompts and iterations, breathtaking images are just a few clicks away.

We looked at prompt ideas across photography, design, fantasy, sci-fi, and more. The possibilities are endless.

Remember to keep prompts clear, focused, and ethically sound. Approach Midjourney as a creative assistant, not as a replacement for human artistry.

Allow this AI to enhance and augment your vision. Now go make some magic! Surprise yourself with what emerges from your imagination translated through Midjourney’s digital canvas.

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